Dear Prayer Partners,
We thank the Lord for His mercy and Grace.
We have been very busy preparing for our move to Ohio and with the logistical details.
Our headquarters will remain in Florida under the care of Treasurer Annie Preece. Board members Elke and Kevin Long and Minister Curtis Crosby also
reside in Florida.
David and Christy Anne Vaughan and family will move to Mount Orab, Ohio effective March 1, 2019. Christy Anne is serving as Head of Curriculum and Instruction at Brown County Christian Academy, an ACCS school. Also, our children and grandchildren all live nearby.

With the move and Christy Anne’s new position we have not travelled this year. We are still facilitating Abigail Varillas’ internship in the U.S. to complete her degree and she is still a part of the Spanish translation project and sister school affiliation at Yo Soy Jesus school in Lima.
Through the BCCA in Sardinia, OH, CCEI has helped ship textbooks to the ACCS school in Panama City, Florida hit hard by hurricane Michael. We also have offered advice and support to Kat Verano as she starts a new school in Wilmington, N.C. – also hit hard by this past year’s hurricanes.
At the CCEI, Inc. board meeting we decided to sponsor the new school/young school reception at ACCS Annual Conference again this year in Atlanta and Kevin Long, Elke Long made the initial contact with ACCS headquarters. We will ponsor start-up and young school teachers and heads of school with registration as well as Melissa and Eric Purdy from BCCA to help us with the new school/young school reception. Ann Preece, Dave and Christy Anne Vaughan will attend representing CCEI, Inc.
PRAISE/PRAYER REPORT: Grace Christian School in Merrick, Long Island, New York and Colquitt Christian Academy in Moultrie, GA both have praise reports of larger enrollment and new prayer requests for larger buildings. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to pray for a bi-lingual editor for Spanish translation of Classical Christian texts for use in Peru and Dominican Republic. All of these schools need volunteers and teachers with a missionary heart.
Our web site: www.2CEI.org continues to receive new likes and looks thanks to Brion Bastion at http://onlytwofish.com
Listen to Have your cake and eat it too! Don't choose between Christian and college prep - Christy Vaughan by BaseCamp Live #np on #SoundCloud
Also, please send us your prayer requests so we can pray for you!
In Jesus’ name and service,
David and Christy Anne Vaughan
To send tax-deductible donations to CCEI, Inc.: Or donate on our web site: www.2CEI.org
CCEI, Inc., P.O. Box 3173, Clewiston, FL 33440
“Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to
CCEI are under CCEI's full discretion and control as required by IRS regulations.”