Summer 2021
Dear Prayer Partners and mission friends,
Remember it is God’s spirit dwelling in us that does the work (John 14:10). We are all co-laborers with Christ.
May God richly bless you this 2021 year and always.
Mission Report:
While the Covid-19 virus upset many travel plans and curtailed our ability to serve physically for much of the year, we have a busy summer schedule ahead. Tomorrow, we drive an hour north in Ohio to a startup school in Bellefontaine, Ohio to help with any information we can on curriculum choices, board organization, teacher training options and general classical and Christian philosophy.
Then, David and Christy Anne fly to Mesquite, NV to help with similar issues at another startup school, Mesquite Christian Academy.

God also led us to do a special education seminar in North Carolina where our friend and fellow missionary Don Campbell is now head of school: Haw River Christian Academy. We will visit some of the Chinese Christian students from Saipan who are visiting him as well.

We will also visit mission partner Dr. Greg Bliss who lives in Raleigh, NC. He is working with us on developing teacher training courses as well as an online high school to take to the mission field in Africa.
After that trip in the RV, Christy Anne will help a friend who teaches the Riggs Institute phonics program, Jennifer Garza. Jen is doing a 5-day training in Long Beach, CA and needs assistance due to a back injury that has greatly reduced her mobility and stamina. Please keep Jen and Christy Anne in your prayers.
After California, Christy Anne is off to New York to assist Headmaster Steve Schultz in a schoolwide curriculum alignment at Grace Christian Academy on Long Island.

The Yo Soy Jesus school in Lima, Peru has had several members succumb to the Covid-19 virus and go home to the Lord.
Due to the severity of the Covid-19 shutdowns and illnesses in Peru, many families are in dire need of aid both physically and financially. The Yo Soy Jesus school ministers to these families in the Independencia district of Lima. It has both immediate and long-term needs:
1) Most students are already receiving discounts and the school year started in March. 27 students out of 185 have not yet paid April fees as their parents do not have money at this time. So funds could be used to either provide for the neediest of students for the year, or some to help all 27.
2) Due to parents not being able to pay full price, the teachers’ salaries have been reduced this past year. Most full-time teachers are making about 800 soles per month, which is about $213 per month. We want to pay them more but are unable to do so. Funds could go to increase their salaries or provide a one-time bonus.
3) The school administrator’s computer is dying, and it is crucial for her to get one. The school needs to provide one soon.
Forward Looking Needs:
1) The school is virtual this year. When they are back in session, the students have computer classes, but some computers are older and are no longer working. The school needs to buy about 10-15 new computers.
2) Ventilation for the high school is needed as temperatures have been increasing in Peru these last few years and some classrooms do not have proper ventilation.
3) There are 12 years left on the school building loan which is a significant operating cost each month.
Additionally, we are providing several hundred dollars’ worth of refurbished laptops to Pierre Lewis to take to the Dominican Republic for a startup school there for Haitian children. The laptops will be loaded with the English and possibly Spanish language Holy Bible, provided by our mission partner Richard Hendricks of Sevista Group Solutions ([email protected]).
Thank you again for your prayers and your support. We are grateful for so many Christian brothers and sisters joining with us in God’s work to reach the world.
CCEI, Inc. operations are now located: 1459 Rushing Rapids Way, Winter Springs, FL 32708. We hope to be able to accept credit card gifts soon. We can accept donations through PayPal under the Classical Christian Education International name as well.

In Jesus’ name and service,
David and Christy Anne Vaughan
For CCEI, Inc.
“Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to CCEI are under CCEI’s full discretion and control as required by IRS regulations.”