Dear Prayer Partners and mission friends,
Remember it is God’s spirit dwelling in us that does the work (John 14:10). We are all co-laborers with Christ.
May God richly bless you this 2021 year and always.
Dave and Christy Anne Mission Update (July 2021):
David and Christy Anne few to Mesquite, NV to help at small school, Mesquite Christian Academy.

We were impressed by the faithfulness of the Christian school board there and their vision for a classical and Christian school and future college. We were offered a long term (2-3 school years) mission there as co-heads of school – to train teachers, recruit more students and train a new head of school to replace us. We have accepted.

God also led us to do a special education seminar in North Carolina where our friend and fellow missionary Don Campbell was head of school: Haw River Christian Academy. We visited some of the Christian students from Saipan who are visiting him as well. They blessed us by packing the teacher gift bags that we gave to the teachers at Haw River. Mission partner Dr. Greg Bliss of Christos International also joined us and provided technical assistance for the presentation. We attended a Christos board meeting while in the Raleigh, NC area and David was added to the board as a full voting member. Plans are still in the works for a fully classical and Christian online high school and teacher preparation Jr. College (years 13-14) to take to the mission field.
After that trip in the RV, Christy Anne helped a friend who teaches the Riggs Institute phonics program, Jennifer Garza, do a 5-day training in Long Beach, CA. It was a blessed time in the Lord and we were able to donate textbooks that are hard to find and out of print to the Holy Innocents classical and Christian school.

After California, Christy Anne was off to Long Island, New York to assist Headmaster Steve Schultz in a schoolwide curriculum alignment at Grace Christian Academy on Long Island.
The three-day workshop went well and was well attended even though school sessions had been completed for the year. Many teachers waited to go on family vacations in order to make this event a reality. Christy Anne shared her research results and publications which mission partner Tracey Urzi (a leading classical and Christian teacher at Grace Christian Academy) compiled into a binder for teachers to save for future reference.

Additionally, CCEI is providing several hundred dollars’ worth of refurbished laptops to Pierre Lewis to take to the Dominican Republic for a startup school there for Haitian children. The laptops will be loaded with the English and possibly Spanish language Holy Bible, provided by our mission partner Richard Hendricks of Sevista Group Solutions ([email protected]).
Peru Update from Joel and Abigail Trouse:
The Varillas family went back to Peru on July 5th. CCEI was able to send hand sanitizers, wipes, masks and school supplies to bless them.
The Yo Soy Jesús school is still virtual and the Government is still evaluating if in-person classes will be a reality for the next school year that starts in March 2022. Over 1000 Covid-19 cases a day are being reported in Peru and the virus has taken the lives of teachers and parents from the school.
The Church is still doing virtual services. A group of sisters and brothers just finished a 6-week Bible Study called “Who is Jesus?”
We have also had people from the Church sick with Covid-19 but, by the grace of God, they were able to recover.
Please join us in prayer for the Peruvian people, for those who have lost their loved ones or/and that are dealing with Covid-19 or any other illnesses. And also for the school, the administrators, the teachers, the parents and students.
Thank you again for your prayers and your support. We are grateful for so many Christian brothers and sisters joining with us in God’s work to reach the world.
CCEI, Inc. operations are now located: 1459 Rushing Rapids Way, Winter Springs, FL 32708. We hope to be able to accept credit card gifts soon. We can accept donations through PayPal under the Classical Christian Education International name as well.

In Jesus’ name and service,
David and Christy Anne Vaughan
For CCEI, Inc.
[email protected] “Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to CCEI are under CCEI’s full discretion and control as required by IRS regulations.”